Because I Refuse to Take Myself Too Seriously...

A.k.a. - "What Ann Does With Compounded Stress on a Non-Karate Day".

Feel free to enjoy at my expense.  I don't mind.  Just remember, the next time you decide to play "Just Dance" against a 9 year old, someone might be recording you as well.

(And, for the was so much fun I went out and bought the game for myself!)


Renovation Girl said…
Hahaha! I love it and how much energy you put it into-more than even the 9 year old. Thanks for making me smile today!
Anonymous said…
Morgan just loves that game! I'm thinking the game needs to make its way to T'ville for our reunion! What fun! :)
Anonymous said…
You do know that you only get points for moving/shaking the remote, don't you? No points for moving/shaking, um...other things. :)

We have Just Dance and Just Dance 2. It is a blast! Definitely a good workout for your body and exercises your laugh muscles, too.


PS: Goozle has a GREAT idea!! Holy hysterical!