If You Want To Know Why...

...people believe in the transforming love of God, you simply must watch this video.

There are so many stereotypes about what being a "christian" means - quiet times, church attendance, clean language, faithful tithing. But this video reminds me that the outside "stuff" we do is nothing (and I do mean nothing) in comparison with the really BIG stuff that God does in the hearts and lives of those He loves.

In the Bible God reminds His people again and again to recount together the wonders He has done. That is so much more for our benefit than His. When I take the time to realize what God has done and can do, I remember more clearly who I worship and why. Jesus radically changes lives. Every day. Miracles do happen. Every day.

I am linking you to Brother David's blog (he's our senior pastor, but don't worry - he is a people person and I am sure he won't mind!), because I have absolutely no idea how to do a link directly to the video myself. But check it out, please. It is his July 15th entry called "Check This Out".


By the way, my sign would probably read, "Consumed by fear." "Living, laughing, and loving in His freedom."
