Why, No Mary Lee...

...I have no idea who decorated your lawn for your birthday.
And those balloons in your minivan? I can't figure that one out either.
Over 1000 pieces of candy thrown all over your yard? I can't imagine who would do such a thing.
And the plastic forks stuck in the ground? Who would think of such a crazy idea?
I hope you catch those hooligans.


Smead said…
So glad you live six hours away ! BTW, cool slogan...

(Psst...MaryLee ! Ann's bday is coming up. Call me if you need some help coming up with evil ideas. Man, have I got a doozey !)
Carrigan Family said…
I would be more than happy to hear some of you evil ideas :) - just come on over to my blog and fill me in :).

I keep telling Ann all about paybacks ........